
Below is a list of chiropractic resources. Absolute Health Chiropractic is not responsible for the views represented in these links. Please use this information as an additional resource in your pursuit of what chiropractic care is and how you and your family can benefit from chiropractic care. is a useful website to explore the various ways in which chiropractic can benefit you and your family.

The Chiropractic Resource Organization is a non-profit Internet site developed by a group of chiropractic volunteers dedicated to supplying useful information to chiropractors.

International Chiropractors Association will keep you current on what is happening in the chiropractic community.

International Chiropractic Pediatric Association will provide helpful resources if you are exploring chiropractic care for your children.

Life University, College of Chiropractic in Marietta, GA not only provides the education necessary to obtain a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree, but also offers Bachelor Degrees in Business and Nutrition, and a Masters Degree in Sports Health Science.